Sponsored Search

We have teamed up with an ad-serving platform, it’s a new e-commerce
advertising solution in our portfolio. We are changing the landscape of digital
advertising for you and are inviting you to join in this unique opportunity.
You will be able to promote your products to the top of the e-commerce
platform “InTouch” and track the performance of those products in real time.
It will allow you the unprecedented ability to promote individual products to
the top of our category, and search term pages.

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Our website uses cookies. Below, we briefly explain which cookies we use. You can choose not to allow the placement of analytical and/or marketing cookies. You can change your preferences at any time by clicking ‘Cookie Preferences’ in the footer of our website. You can also revoke or grant your permission(s) there. We store cookies to record your cookie preferences. More information about the cookies and the purposes for which specific cookies are stored, who stores these cookies (the provider), and the storage duration of cookies can be found in our Cookie Policy.

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    Our websites cannot function properly without certain cookies. These cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of the website, to comply with the law (e.g. being able to demonstrate which cookie preferences you have set) or required for the security of our systems. You cannot disable these cookies.

  • These cookies, also known as statistical cookies, enable us to further develop and improve the functionality of our website by analysing the use of the website. These cookies send information back to our data analytics tools: Google Analytics from Google LLC or Hotjar from Hotjar Ltd.

  • Marketing cookies (tracking cookies) enable us to collect information about your internet behaviour. This allows us to tailor our online marketing campaigns and web content to your interests.